Securiti AI Recognized as a Customers’ Choice For DSPM By Gartner Peer Insights


The ultimate privacy compliance solution for software development agencies

More value for you and your clients

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Securiti named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape for Data Privacy Compliance Software

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If you manage, host or create websites or apps for your clients then you can add more value to your services by relieving them from the burden of privacy compliance and protecting them from regulatory liabilities.


Achieve privacy compliance within minutes


Manage privacy compliance for multiple domains from a single platform


Easy integrations with popular CMS platforms (Wordpress, Joomla and many more) and custom websites

Community Based Support

Community based support

Don’t just build websites and apps, build Privacy Compliant websites and apps

Manage Cookie Consent

It is highly likely that your clients will be using cookies and other tracking technologies on their website for analytics and advertising purposes, therefore will require a cookie banner and a cookie preference center to empower website visitors to manage their consent preferences. You can use to:

Build and deploy customized cookie banners which match your clients’ branding

Generate cookie banners with just your clients’ domains

Maintain comprehensive records of consent for auditing and reporting

Manage cookie consent for multiple domains from a single platform

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Manage Cookie Consent

Fulfill Data Subject Access Requests

As per global privacy regulations (GDPR,CCPA, etc) your clients’ customers can make requests to access, delete, correct or transfer their data. Your client’s have a legal obligation to respond to these DSARs (Data Subject Access Requests) within a certain time frame. However, handling DSARs can be complex, time consuming, costly and resource intensive but with you can:

Build customized DSR forms to suit a variety of needs

Verify data subject identity to protect against identity and PI theft

Harness robotic automation for timely and efficient fulfillment of data subject requests

Use AI to link to data subjects personal information

Collect a central repository of records for use in case of regulatory reviews, audits or lawsuits

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Fulfill Data Subject Access Requests

Manage Marketing Preferences with a Preference Center

Your client’s website is where they engage with their customers and prospects, but need consent to communicate with them. Privacy laws are tough and tricky, and they don’t want to face penalties, lawsuits, or mistrust.  helps you create a preference center for your client’s website visitors and app users. A preference center is where users can pick what marketing messages (email, newsletter, promotions, etc) they want with a few clicks.

Deploy a configurable consumer preference center which matches your clients branding

Capture consent from any collection point including websites, forms, mobile apps, and SaaS systems

Consent orchestration across a large number of applications (Marketo, Hubspot, Mailchimp and many more)

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Manage Marketing Preferences with a Preference Center

Delight Clients with a Privacy Center

Go beyond basic privacy compliance and delight your clients by adding a privacy center to their website or app. A privacy center is a central hub on a website or app that provides users with easy access to information and tools related to data privacy. With a privacy center you can enable your clients to grow their business by helping them build trust and loyalty with their customers.

Add a hosted link or embed privacy center to your client’s website or app

Fully customizable to match your client’s branding

Build a single window from where website visitors can:

  • View privacy notice
  • Make changes to their cookie preferences
  • Submit data subject access requests
  • Choose their marketing preferences
  • Opt out of the sale of their personal data
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Delight Clients with a Privacy Center

Earn more by becoming a partner

Promote to your clients and get a commission every time someone buys through your referral link. It’s easy, fast, and rewarding. 

Join the affiliate program today and start making money while helping your clients stay privacy compliant. 

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