Securiti Tops DSPM ratings by GigaOm


CCPA do-not-sell builder

Provide a simple and secure way for your visitors to exercise their right to opt out of the sale of their information to advertisers.

CCPA Do not sell builder tool
Link Style *
Dialog Style *
Content Settings *
Optional Content Settings

Choose to setup the following options: Explicit Notice Link, Custom DSR Form Link, Phone Number, and Email Address.

Who can see this

Choose which visitors can access the Do Not Sell link

Action Settings

Choose what happens with a visitor opts out

IAB Limited Service Provider Agreement

The IAB's Limited Service Provider Agreement demonstrates your accountability to ensure that when the consumer opts out, limited personal information is being used only for purposes permitted by the CCPA. Sign the IAB's Limited Service Provider Agreement

Simply fill out the form below to get your Do-Not-Sell code snippet.

Script Code

Place the <script> code snippet in the <head> of your website's HTML output, preferably as close to the opening <head> tag as possible.

Script Code

Place the <html> code snippet in the <body> of your website's HTML output, where you would want the users to interact with the tool.
