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The Evolving Cookie Landscape and its Impact on Digital Marketing

In this whitepaper, you will learn:

  • Why the fundamental technology of modern Digital Marketing is evolving.
  • What are the alternative, more privacy-friendly technologies that might replace current tracking technologies.
  • Which Data Privacy laws mandate prior consent.
  • What actions Marketers can take now to stay ahead of the evolving consent landscape.


Privacy is at the forefront of public dialogue as people seek to understand and control how organizations use their personal information. Although tracking online user behavior has helped marketers improve user experiences, the tools used to enhance this experience have gone far beyond their original intent.

Read this whitepaper to understand how tracking technologies are evolving to become more privacy-centric and what Marketers can do now to prepare for this critical change.

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Award-winning technology, built by a proven team, backed by confidence. Learn more.

Our Readers Frequently Ask:

Third-party cookies aggregate data across many companies in the form of a cookie stored in a browser, so, as consumers jump between sites, it tracks their behavior and usage.

First-party cookies are tracking cookies created and used directly by the website users visit. For example, Amazon uses its own cookies to track user activity on its own domains.

To show relevant ads and stay privacy-centric, Google will evolve third-party cookies into

Topics: recognizable categories that the browser infers based on the pages users visit.

FLEDGE: a new way to address remarketing, i.e., reminding users of sites and products they’ve been interested in without relying on third-party cookies. As users move across the web, the sites of advertisers they've visited can inform their browser that they would like a chance to show you ads in the future.

Find out more in our whitepaper.

here are two major reasons:

i) Users are more aware of their privacy rights and are willing to take action to protect them.

ii) Data Privacy laws have obligated data processors to be transparent and obtain consent before collecting any personal data via cookies.

All-in-One Solution For Your Business Needs

The Multi-disciplinary practice to grow trust-equity of your brand and comply with privacy regulations

A Guide to Dynamic Privacy Policies and Notices

This white paper provides insights on how to efficiently automate the updating and refreshing of your privacy policies and notices.

Top 5 Data Security & Privacy challenges in Multicloud

This white paper outlines the top 5 challenges in Data Security & Privacy within a Multicloud setting and provides effective solutions to address them.

5 Critical Consent Requirements in an Evolving Cookie Landscape

Understand the evolving cookie landscape, the implications of Google's changes to Chrome, and the GDPR requirements for user consent.
