Securiti Tops DSPM ratings by GigaOm


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Data validation rules

Data Validation Rules is a set of predefined criteria or business rules used to evaluate and validate the integrity and quality of data. Data...

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Data theft

Data Theft refers to the unauthorized collection, use, or removal of data by individuals or organizations without the data owner’s consent. There are several...

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Data transfer

Data Transfer refers to the transfer or movement of data from one place, system, or entity to another. For example, data transfers that are...

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Data sovereignty

Data Sovereignty is the idea and practice of ensuring that data is governed by the laws, regulations, and authority of the country or region...

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Data subject

Data Subject refers to an individual whose personal information is being processed and who can exercise rights and control over how that information is...

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Data retention policy

Data Retention Policy is a documented set of regulations, policies, or practices governing data retention and disposal within an organization. The data retention policy...

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Data retention schedule

Data Retention Schedule refers to a systematic strategy that outlines how long various types of data should be kept before being securely disposed of....

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Data risk management

Data Risk Management is the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of data. To prevent or...

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Data processing agreement

Data Processing Agreement refers to a binding contract or agreement outlining the terms and conditions governing the processing of personal data between a data...

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