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State of Data Breach Notification Laws

In this guide, you will:

  • Learn about global data breach notification requirements for 10+ countries and regions.
  • Differentiate between strict, regulated, or lenient regimes in a comprehensive, global map.
  • A 6-step method you can use to formulate a robust data breach management program.
  • How automated breach notification solutions can help respond to customers quickly, and meet local breach notification regulations conveniently.


Did you know there have been more than 11,000 reported data breach incidents in the last 15 years and more than 1.75 billion records have been compromised so far. That’s more than the entire population of China.

With the rapid hike in data breach incidents, organizations must have a robust data breach management plan in place. Organizations take proactive measures to detect data breach incidents, notify stakeholders if a data breach has occurred according to the local Data Breach Notification laws.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Data Breach:

Yes, most of the regulations require organizations to notify the users and authorities in case of a data breach, however the conditions under which a notification is necessary varies between countries/regions. Refer to the white paper to know which law specifically applies to you.

Typically companies are required to explain what has happened, what information has been exposed and measures taken by the company to mitigate the harm and prevent it in the future. The company is also expected to share contact details along with the instructions for breach victims to limit the harm caused.

The timeline set by law to notify the authorities varies from country to country. It depends on the strictness of data breach notification law in your region. The white paper covers this topic in detail.

Crossing the specified timeline for breach notification is a violation of the law and the company may be subject to heavy fines.

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