Securiti AI Launches Context-Aware LLM Firewalls to Secure GenAI Applications


Exceptional Marketing Campaigns with Trusted Data from Securiti and Snowflake

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Bradley Green

Bradley Green

Camping World, Senior Director of Marketing Technology

Jocelyn Houle

Jocelyn Houle

Sr. Director of Product Management, Securiti

Naveen Thomas

Naveen Thomas

Senior Data Cloud Architect, Snowflake

Learn how Camping World's Bradley Greene, Sr. Dir Marketing Technology and his team utilized to streamline consent collection and generate a trusted, centralized data source in Snowflake. This shift empowered rapid campaign creation in days instead of weeks, resulting in personalized experiences that drove customer engagement and sales. Join us to decode the secrets of data transparency, trust, and agility.

In today's digital landscape, where data is king, customers increasingly demand control over their personal information and expect tailored experiences. This webinar explores how embracing customer-centric data practices can lead to a win-win situation: build trust and loyalty while unlocking significant business benefits.

Join us as we:

  • Turn transparency into a competitive advantage: Explore strategies for clear communication about data collection and usage, and see how it empowers your marketing and sales teams to deliver hyper-personalized, contextual interactions.
  • Move beyond compliance: Dive into the future of customer relationships, where data privacy is not just an obligation but a key driver of loyalty and sustainable growth.

When you attend you will:

  • Learn from industry experts on navigating the changing data landscape.
  • Get practical tips for implementing customer-centric data practices.
  • Gain insights into the latest technology and best practices.
  • Ask your questions and network with fellow attendees.


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