Securiti AI Recognized as a Customers’ Choice For DSPM By Gartner Peer Insights



Unified Data Intelligence & Controls For PayPal
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PayPal Logo


PayPal is a payment platform that enables payments between parties through online money transfers. PayPal offers payment services for consumers and merchants who accept PayPal. PayPal customers can create an account and connect it to a checking account, a credit card, or both and make payments easily.

Securiti and PayPal

Securiti has partnered with PayPal to enable its users to leverage Securiti DataControls Cloud. Based on a Unified Data Controls framework, DataControls Cloud helps teams to discover, classify, tag, and catalog data across PayPal’s PII objects, including invoices, billing agreements, customer disputes, orders, partner referrals, payments, and PayPal sync transactions. With sensitive data intelligence and regulatory insights at its core, the solution allows organizations to streamline and automate DSR workflows associated with the right of Access, Erasure, and Export.

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HelpScout is a cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution. It helps organizations streamline customer interactions via emails, live chats, and support tickets.

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O365 Calendar

O365 Calendar

O365, Microsoft’s comprehensive suite of applications, includes the O365 Calendar that enables users to plan and schedule their meetings and other activities.

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Microsoft OneDrive

OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud-based file storage service. Users can store, access, synchronize, and collaborate on files or documents in real time.

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Securiti + ActiveCampaign partnership enables users to leverage Securiti’s Data Command Center. Streamline your data security, privacy, governance, and compliance functions with Securiti Data Command Center.

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Securiti + AdButler partnership enables users to leverage Securiti’s Data Command Center. Streamline your data security, privacy, governance, and compliance functions with Securiti Data Command Center.

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Securiti + Airtable partnership enables users to leverage Securiti’s Data Command Center. Streamline your data security, privacy, governance, and compliance functions with Securiti Data Command Center.

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