Securiti AI Recognized as a Customers’ Choice For DSPM By Gartner Peer Insights


Evolve Your Data Mapping

Get real-world insights and best practices for data mapping, and highlight a new approach for Data Mapping Automation.
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Greg Martin

Greg Martin

Solutions Architect, Securiti

Joseph Abrenio

Joseph Abrenio

Founder of ADVISORI and Former Hilton Global Data Protection Officer

Data mapping is crucial for ensuring data accuracy and complying with privacy regulations like GDPR (Article 30). Organizations are challenged, however, to execute data mapping efficiently, as data and its flow and usage is a living organism that can change at any moment. Learn how to seamlessly evolve data mapping from traditional manual approaches to a fully automated approach, driving down costs and improving accuracy.

Join Joseph Abrenio, former data protection officer for Hilton Hotels and Greg Martin, Solution Architect from as they share real-world insights and best practices for data mapping, and highlight a new approach for Data Mapping Automation.

Key takeaways:

  • Understanding common challenges with data inventory and data mapping
  • Strategies for overcoming common obstacles when collecting information
  • Approaches to improve current methods for data mapping that offer a seamless path to full automation
  • How to increase accuracy, reduce costs and improve operational efficiency


Earn 1 (one) CPE* credit by attending this session.

*CPE - Continuing Privacy Education


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