Securiti Tops DSPM ratings by GigaOm


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SecOps (Security Operations)

SecOps, short for Security Operations, refers to an approach that combines cybersecurity (security) and IT operations (Ops) to enhance an organization’s security posture and...

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SaaS (Software as a Service)

Software as a Service (SaaS) refers to a cloud computing model in which software applications are delivered over the internet on a subscription basis....

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S3 Bucket

An S3 bucket refers to a container for storing objects within Amazon S3. Buckets are like top-level folders that hold objects (files or data)...

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S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service)

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) refers to a scalable and highly available cloud storage service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). S3 allows individuals...

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Syslog is a standard data collection protocol that logs and collects system messages from the connected network devices and servers.

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Switch is a network device used to connect various devices over a local area network (LAN) and establish a communication network between them.

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Surveillance refers to the constant monitoring and collection of data related to the digital activities of a person by a government or corporation related...

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Subdomain refers to a secondary domain that is part of a larger domain, usually branched out to allow better management of websites and services...

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Standard contractual clauses (SCCs)

Standard contractual clauses (SCCs) is a legal, contractual agreement between two EU or other countries that comply with EU data protection laws that allows...

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