Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is LGPD the same as GDPR?
LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) are both data protection regulations, but they are not the same. LGPD is Brazil's data protection law, while GDPR is the European Union's data protection regulation. While they share common principles and aims of safeguarding individuals' data privacy rights, they have distinct requirements, applicability, and geographic scopes.
What is LGPD compliance?
LGPD compliance refers to adhering to the guidelines and regulations outlined in Brazil's General Data Protection Law (LGPD). Organizations that process the personal data of Brazilian citizens must implement measures to ensure they handle data responsibly, respect individuals' rights, and meet the legal requirements set forth by the LGPD. This includes obtaining proper consent, maintaining data security, providing transparency about data processing practices, and responding to data subject's requests. Non-compliance can result in penalties and fines.
What is GDPR vs CCPA vs LGPD?
GDPR, CCPA, and LGPD are all data protection regulations, but they apply to different regions (EU, California, and Brazil, respectively) and have distinct requirements. They share the goal of protecting individuals' privacy rights, but their specifics differ.